El agua mineral natural Monte Pinos nos aporta mucho para mejorar nuestro estilo de vida y ganar en salud. Procede de su propio y único manantial, situado a casi 1000 m de altitud, en la Sierra de Almazán (Soria). Este ámbito eco-geológico le confiere una composición mineral muy baja en sodio que la hace aconsejable en los casos de hipertensión arterial e insuficiencia cardíaca, en dietas de adelgazamiento y, naturalmente, como agua de consumo diario a cualquier edad, para la preparación de alimentos infantiles y mantener la hidratación del deportista. Por todo ello, el agua mineral Natural Monte Pinos es considerada ?fuente de vida?.
Monte Pinos colabora con la Fundación Española del Corazón.
Nuestro ritmo de vida actual, activo y trepidante, afecta a nuestro organismo de muchas maneras, creando en ocasiones tensiones que derivan en el temido estrés, la hipertensión y la insuficiencia cardíaca. El agua MONTE PINOS, por sus propiedades minerales y la naturaleza de su origen, posee un importante papel en el equilibrio de una buena alimentación y resulta beneficiosa en un estilo de vida saludable. Por su muy bajo contenido en sodio está especialmente indicada en dietas pobres en sodio, y su composición mineral la hace ideal en la preparación de alimentos infantiles. Su nuevo y elegante envase en PET de color azul celeste refleja todas sus propiedades, un azul que realza la imagen de la botella y trasmite la esencia de naturalidad, salud y calidad que distingue el agua de MONTE PINOS.
Monte Pinos natural mineral water gives us a lot to improve our lifestyle and improve our health. It comes from its own and unique spring, located at almost 1000 m above sea level, in the Sierra de Almazán (Soria). This eco-geological environment gives it a very low sodium mineral composition that makes it advisable in cases of arterial hypertension and heart failure, in weight loss diets and, naturally, as daily drinking water at any age, for preparing food. children and maintain the athlete's hydration. For all these reasons, Natural Monte Pinos mineral water is considered a source of life. Monte Pinos collaborates with the Spanish Heart Foundation. Our current, active and hectic pace of life affects our body in many ways, sometimes creating tensions that lead to the dreaded stress, hypertension and heart failure. MONTE PINOS water, due to its mineral properties and the nature of its origin, plays an important role in balancing a good diet and is beneficial in a healthy lifestyle. Due to its very low sodium content, it is especially indicated in diets low in sodium, and its mineral composition makes it ideal for preparing baby food. Its new and elegant light blue PET container reflects all its properties, a blue that enhances the image of the bottle and conveys the essence of naturalness, health and quality that distinguishes MONTE PINOS water. It has an important role in the balance of a good diet and is beneficial in a healthy lifestyle. Due to its very low sodium content, it is especially indicated in diets low in sodium, and its mineral composition makes it ideal for preparing baby food. Its new and elegant light blue PET container reflects all its properties, a blue that enhances the image of the bottle and conveys the essence of naturalness, health and quality that distinguishes MONTE PINOS water. It has an important role in the balance of a good diet and is beneficial in a healthy lifestyle. Due to its very low sodium content, it is especially indicated in diets low in sodium, and its mineral composition makes it ideal for preparing baby food. Its new and elegant light blue PET container reflects all its properties, a blue that enhances the image of the bottle and conveys the essence of naturalness, health and quality that distinguishes MONTE PINOS water.
MONTE PINOS 1`5L. (6uds)